- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Deep Foundations"],"number":"CC101","instructors":["Alain Holeyman"]}
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About This Course
This course includes four lectures, by Frank Rausche (USA), Harry Poulos (Australia), Lyesse Laloui (Switzerland) and Mark Cassidy (Australia). The titles and the summaries are as follows:
Pile driving analysis, by Frank Rausche (83 min)
A summary on modern pile types and hammer systems is presented. Then, it is explained how the wave equation approach can be used for pile driving cost estimation and job preparation. This is followed by an introduction to and examples of the dynamic pile monitoring and load testing technology.
Meeting the Challenges of Foundation Design for Tall Buildings, by Harry Poulos (88 min)
For tall buildings, several challenges of foundation design are faced: geotechnical survey, wind effect, dynamic forces, etc. The design process for high-rise buildings foundations is developed using the limit-state design concept. Three case histories are exposed to show up how the challenges are met when addressing the design of foundations for tall buildings.
Multiphysical Processes and Design of Thermo-Active Foundations, by Lyesse Laloui (76 min)
Thermo-active foundations is considered an innovative environmental technology based on the use of ground heat for buildings. Focus is made on the soil-interface behaviour induced by temperature changes for studying the overall behaviour of thermo-active piles. Numerical modelling and related applications are developed to highlight the effectiveness of thermo-active foundations.
Combined loading of offshore foundations, by Mark Cassidy (81 min)
Plasticity approach is carried out on combined loading which one of the current soil mechanics problems. In this framework, several geotechnical applications are analysed and solved: circular footings on sand, “spudcan” footings on clay, capacity of mobile “jack-up” platforms, etc.
- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Offshore Geotechnics"],"number":"CFMS101","instructors":["Philippe Jeanjean"]}
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- {"category":"webinar","subjects":["Geoenvironmental Engineering", "Geothermal"],"number":"GE101","instructors":["Pierre Delage"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Deep Foundations", "Offshore Geotechnics"],"number":"HML101","instructors":["James D. Murff"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Offshore Geotechnics"],"number":"HML102","instructors":["Mark F. Randlolph"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Soil Dynamics", "Offshore Geotechnics"],"number":"HML103","instructors":["Knut H. Andersen"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Offshore Geotechnics"],"number":"HML104","instructors":["Alan G. Young"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["In-situ Testing"],"number":"ICSMGE19103","instructors":["John Powell"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Offshore Geotechnics"],"number":"ICSMGE19105","instructors":["Mark Randolph"]}
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- {"category":"course","subjects":["In-situ Testing","CPT","Geophysics","Seismic Geophysics","Soil Dynamics"],"number":"VU-GE","instructors":["Sebastiano Foti","Fernando Schnaid","Peter Robertson","Kenneth H. Stokoe"]}
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- {"category":"course","subjects":["Soil Mechanics","In-situ Testing","Residual Soils","Settlements","Laboratory Testing"],"number":"VU-SC","instructors":["Cor Zwanenburg","Samuel Kofi Ampadu","Gabriel Auvinet","Serge Leroueil","Richard Jardine"]}
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- {"category":"webinar","subjects":["Offshore Geotechnics"],"number":"TC209-01","instructors":["Federico Pisano"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Geophysics","In-situ Testing","Soil Dynamics"],"number":"VDM3","instructors":["Michele Jamiolkowski"]}
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- {"category":"course","subjects":["Risk and Reliability","Foundation Design Construction","Leeves","Erosion","Instrumentation","Landslides","Deep Excavations","Earth Retaining Structures","Numerical and Constitutive Modelling"],"number":"VU-RMOM","instructors":["Jean-Louis Briaud","Zenon Medina-Cetina","Marco Uzielli","An Bing Huang","Marc Ballouz"]}
- Starts:
ISSMGE Online Library Publications
Hydro-chemo-mechanical behavior of a sand/bentonite mixture upon wetting paths
A. Ferrari, D. Manca, L. Laloui
7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils 2018 (Hong Kong) -
Minimally invasive soil treatment based on bio-grout
D. Terzis ; M. Katterbach ; L. Laloui
20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Sydney) -
Experimental assessment of adsorbed water for geomechanical applications
S. Babiy ; A. Tuttolomondo ; L. Laloui
18th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE2024) -
On the swelling behaviour of shallow Opalinus clay shale
E. Crisci, A. Ferrari, L. Laloui, S. Giger
7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils 2018 (Hong Kong) -
Gas shales: geomechanical challenges and analysis
L. Laloui, A. Ferrari, A. Minardi
7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils 2018 (Hong Kong) -
Quantitative analysis of the crystalline bond lattice of bio-improved soils using micro-computed tomography
Dimitrios Terzis; Lyesse Laloui
19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Seoul) -
Experimental investigation on the hydro-mechanical response of a shale subjected to gas invasion
Qazim Llabjani ; Alessio Ferrari ; Paul Marschall ; Lyesse Laloui
28th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (EYGEC2024) -
Innovations in liquefaction mitigation: Modelling the mechanical cyclic behavior of biocemented soils
Z.N. Sahlab ; D. Terzis ; L. Laloui
18th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE2024) -
Soil reinforcement based on bio-geo-chemical processes: from laboratory insights to field applications
L. Laloui ; D. Terzis ; R. Harran ; J. Bosch ; A. Elmaloglou ; S. ten Bosch ; M. Buyuklu ; Z.N. Sahlab
18th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE2024) -
Behaviour of grouted piles in offshore calcareous sand
H.G.Poulos, C.Y.Lee
12th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Rio De Janeiro)