- {"category":"webinar","subjects":["Ground Improvement", "Soil Mechanics"],"number":"GI102","instructors":["Antonio Correia","George Chang"]}
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Soil Characterisation
About This Course
This course includes five lectures, by Cor Zwanenburg (The Netherlands), Samuel Kofi Ampadu (Ghana), Gabriel Auvinet (Mexico), Serge Leroueil (Canada) and Richard Jardine (UK). The titles and the summaries are as follows:
Geotechnical aspects of peats, by Cor Zwanenburg (65 min)
Engineering problems related to peats are introduced. The characterisation and classification of peat soils is proposed through Illustrative field cases. Focus is also made on field-testing to measure the permeability, stiffness and strength of peat soils.
Laterites and lateritic soil and the potential use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, by Samuel Kofi Ampadu (54 min)
An update is given about laterites and lateritic soils having peculiar properties that need further studies. Then, the dynamic cone penetrometer is introduced as a cost-effective tool of investigation for construction, quality control and planning for design of various infrastructure in low income countries.
Geotechnical Challenges in Mexico City Clay, by Gabriel Auvinet (42 min)
The origin and formation in lacustrine environment of Mexico City clay is detailed. Challenging characterisation of Mexico City clay, extending to big depths, is marked by very high compressibility and low shear strength. The design of piles for high-rise buildings and the construction of tunnels in Mexico City subjected to seismic conditions is analysed from documented case studies.
Compressibility and Consolidation of Clays: From Lab to Field Conditions, by Serge Leroueil (60 min)
The determination of consolidation parameters of clays is carefully analysed from oedometer test and in-situ test results. The importance of those parameters is illustrated both for the predictions of settlement and rate of consolidation by analysing seven Canadian clayey soils. Practical conclusions are formulated to avoid unsuitable consolidation parameters leading to unrealistic estimations.
Advanced laboratory testing to characterise stiff, geologically aged clays, by Richard Jardine (62 min)
The main objectives are to establish the detailed mechanical behaviour of stiff, high over consolidated Eocene to Jurassic London “Mudrocks”. This special category comprises London clay, Gault clay, Kimmeridge clay and Oxford clay. An overview is given about the set-up and use of advanced laboratory testing tools, which enabled suitable geotechnical characterisation of aged clays.
- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Laboratory Testing", "Numerical and Constitutive Modelling"],"number":"ICSMGE102","instructors":["David Muir Wood"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["In-situ Testing"],"number":"ICSMGE19103","instructors":["John Powell"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Soil Mechanics"],"number":"ICSMGE19106","instructors":["Delwyn G. Fredlund"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Contaminant Transport", "Soil Mechanics"],"number":"ICSMGE19114","instructors":["Mario Manassero"]}
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- {"category":"course","subjects":["Soil Mechanics"],"number":"SB-101","instructors":["Fumio Tatsuoka", "Eduardo Alonso", "Pierre Delage"]}
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- {"category":"course","subjects":["Numerical & Constitutive Modeling","Soil Mechanics","Slope Stability"],"number":"GEE2020-1","instructors":["Wu Shunchuan"]}
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- {"category":"short_edu","subjects":["Settlements"],"number":"SEV101","instructors":["Marina Pantazidou"]}
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- {"category":"webinar","subjects":["Soil Mechanics"],"number":"SM101","instructors":["Eduardo Alonso"]}
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- {"category":"course","subjects":["In-situ Testing","CPT","Geophysics","Seismic Geophysics","Soil Dynamics"],"number":"VU-GE","instructors":["Sebastiano Foti","Fernando Schnaid","Peter Robertson","Kenneth H. Stokoe"]}
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- {"category":"course","subjects":["Instrumentation","Deep Foundations","In-situ Testing","Geothermal","Energy Geotechnics","Offshore Geotechnics"],"number":"VU-EE","instructors":["F Rausche","H Poulos","L Laloui","MJ Cassidy"]}
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- Delwyn-G-Fredlund
- {"category":"course","subjects":["Soil Mechanics","Groundwater Flow & Seepage","Shear Strength of Ground Materials","Settlements"],"number":"VU-USM","instructors":["Delwyn G. Fredlund"]}
- Starts:
- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Geophysics","In-situ Testing","Soil Dynamics"],"number":"VDM3","instructors":["Michele Jamiolkowski"]}
- Starts:
ISSMGE Online Library Publications
A competition to assess the reliability of pile prediction methods
R.J.Jardine, J.R.Standing, F.M.Jardine, A.J.Bond, E.Parker
15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Istanbul) -
Discussion: Comments on the use of non-linear elastic stiffness
K.G.Higgins, D.W.Hight, R.J.Mair, D.M.Potts, R.J.Jardine
Administrative report of TC36 - Soft soils foundation engineering
15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Istanbul) -
Geostatistical interpretation of soil exploration
G.Auvinet, M.Juárez, Z.Medina
15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Istanbul) -
Friction piles in consolidating soils
G.Auvinet, J.F.Rodríguez
15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Istanbul) -
Mexico City deep eastern drainage tunnel
M.A.Aguilar-Tellez, R.Mendez-Marroquin, J.L.Rangel-Nunez, M.Comulada-Simpson, U.Maidi, G.Auvinet-Guichard
IS ROME '11 -
Uncertainty in analyses of rapid drawdown of reservoirs
G.Auvinet, N.P.López Acosta
15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Istanbul)