- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Soil Dynamics", "Offshore Geotechnics"],"number":"HML103","instructors":["Knut H. Andersen"]}
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In-Situ Testing
About This Course
This course includes four lectures, by Sebastiano Foti (Italy), Fernando Schnaid (Brazil), Peter Robertson (USA) and Kenneth H. Stokoe (USA). The titles and the summaries are as follows:
Geophysical tests for geotechnical site characterization, by Sebastiano Foti (119 min)
The first section focuses on introducing geophysical methods, their major role in soil investigation and gained advantages. An overview on the interfering seismic velocities was made, the use of involved parameters was explained and comparison between in-hole and surface methods was made. Combined use of geotechnical parameters was highlighted in the second section through defining the existing level of integration and discussion of some case histories.
In situ testing in geomechanics: questioning current engineering practice, by Fernando Schnaid (56 min)
Conceptual basis were considered to interpret methods covering shear strength, stress history and water flow. Focus was given to direct push technology and clayey materials. The review of ongoing methods of analysis was made to propose alternatives for the design and related recommendations.
Introduction to cone penetration Testing, by Peter Robertson (78 min)
An introduction to CPT equipment and procedures was outlined. Precision issues were risen through discussing its types accuracy and repeatability. Factors affecting its interpretation were highlighted. Its interpretation was pointed out emphasizing on soil behaviour type interfering and some SCPTu application finishing with an overview on SCPT application.
The increasing role of seismic measurements in geotechnical engineering, by Kenneth H. Stokoe (86 min)
Interest was given to small strain field measurement and laboratory test used for parametric studies when starting with a brief background. Static and dynamic issue were discussed through some examples. Some outcomes of the past 15 year were exposed to clarify eventually the link between field and laboratory seismic measurements.
- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["In-situ Testing"],"number":"ICSMGE19103","instructors":["John Powell"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Soil Dynamics"],"number":"ICSMGE19117","instructors":["Jong-Sub Lee"]}
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- {"category":"course","subjects":["Soil Mechanics","In-situ Testing","Residual Soils","Settlements","Laboratory Testing"],"number":"VU-SC","instructors":["Cor Zwanenburg","Samuel Kofi Ampadu","Gabriel Auvinet","Serge Leroueil","Richard Jardine"]}
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- {"category":"course","subjects":["Soil Dynamics","Earthquake Engineering","Liquefaction Engineering"],"number":"VU-EE","instructors":["Ikuo Towhata","George Gazetas","Misco Cubrinovski"]}
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- {"category":"course","subjects":["Instrumentation","Deep Foundations","In-situ Testing","Geothermal","Energy Geotechnics","Offshore Geotechnics"],"number":"VU-EE","instructors":["F Rausche","H Poulos","L Laloui","MJ Cassidy"]}
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- {"category":"honour_lecture","subjects":["Geophysics","In-situ Testing","Soil Dynamics"],"number":"VDM3","instructors":["Michele Jamiolkowski"]}
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ISSMGE Online Library Publications
Administrative report of TC16 - Ground property characterization from in-situ testing activities
P.K.Robertson, J.M.Powell
15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Istanbul) -
Importance of confining pressure on nonlinear soil behavior and its impact on earthquake response predictions of deep sites
M.B.Darendeli, K.H.Stokoe, E.M.Rathje, C.J.Roblee
15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Istanbul) -
In situ seismic testing with surface waves
K.H.Stokoe, G.J.Rix, S.Nazarian
12th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Rio De Janeiro)