- {"category":"course","subjects":["Geoenvironmental Engineering","Landfill Engineering","Geosynthetics for Containment","Geosynthetics"],"number":"GS-1","instructors":["Robert M. Koerner","Kerry Rowe","Fumio Tatsuoka", "Jorge G. Zornberg"]}
- Starts:
Thermal Issues in Clays and Claystones. Application to Radioactive Waste Disposal
About This Course
No description information provided.
- {"category":"course","subjects":["Instrumentation","Deep Foundations","In-situ Testing","Geothermal","Energy Geotechnics","Offshore Geotechnics"],"number":"VU-EE","instructors":["F Rausche","H Poulos","L Laloui","MJ Cassidy"]}
- Starts:
- {"category":"webinar","subjects":["Geoenvironmental Engineering"],"number":"TC301-01","instructors":["Nilo Cesar Consoli"]}
- Starts:
ISSMGE Online Library Publications
Influence des mécanismes de rétention des polluants sur la résistance au cisaillement d’un sol compacté
Y.J. Cui, P.Alzoghbi, L.Lei, P.Delage
15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Istanbul) -
Récents développements de la technique osmotique de contrôle de succion
P.Delage, Y.J.Cui, E.De Laure
15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Istanbul)